A lot of posters stacked at every 'empty place' around our town. They have a lot of kind poster: promotional, music show, cigarette, etc. Every day / weeks a lot of new poster stacked at an 'old posters'. So, I called this "POSTERS WARS".

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Poster at mount Kelud

I found this posters stacked at a mini-store when I went with my family last year, December 2011. That mini-store located at mount Kelud's hill, Blitar, East Java.

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

An Empty Wall

An Empty Wall

An Empty Wall

An Empty Wall

At an empty Storage

Ane empty storage near Pondok Tjandra Housing Complex

Ini peta lokasinya (kira-kira) diambil dari situs BUKU KUNING.