A lot of posters stacked at every 'empty place' around our town. They have a lot of kind poster: promotional, music show, cigarette, etc. Every day / weeks a lot of new poster stacked at an 'old posters'. So, I called this "POSTERS WARS".

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

An Empty Wall

An Empty Wall

An Empty Wall

An Empty Wall

At an empty Storage

Ane empty storage near Pondok Tjandra Housing Complex

Ini peta lokasinya (kira-kira) diambil dari situs BUKU KUNING.

An Electric Pole

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Clas Mild at a mini kiosk

A Mini Kiosk with some 'Posters' : Clas Mild (cigarette). And, below was "BADUT = CLOWN For hire".

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Kok Poni????

Iklan rokok 76 dengan karakter seorang Jin yang selalu mengabulkan permintaan orang-orang yang menemukannya. Kali ini, dia ketiban 'sial', waktu jatuh ke tangan segerombolan preman yang memukulinya, sebab Jin ini tidak bisa memenuhi permintaan mereka. Iklan ini juga tampil beberapa kali di televisi swasta.

[This poster belong to a cigarette advertisement, title '76'. They have a Gennie character who always give everything to person who found him. Unfortunately, this time he meet with a group of bandits, and beat him because they did not satisfied with that Gennie who could not give the horse according their wishes]