A lot of posters stacked at every 'empty place' around our town. They have a lot of kind poster: promotional, music show, cigarette, etc. Every day / weeks a lot of new poster stacked at an 'old posters'. So, I called this "POSTERS WARS".


It's impossible for me to 'count' areas where they put their posters. Thousands places can be a good 'spot'. But, I will put this code at every photo which I took.

1. A wall at Jl. Bridgjen Katamso, Sidoarjo City, East Java.
2. A door's store at Jl. Bridgen Katamso, Sidoarjo City, East Java.
3. A small wall at a store, Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia.
4. Some electric pile near my housing complex area, Sidoarjo City, East Java.
5. An empty wall near a "Makarya Binangun" housing complex entrance, Sidoarjo City, East Java.
6. A Small kiosk, at Kendangsari Area, Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia.
7. A simple Guard House, Perak Area, Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia.

8. Giant Hypermarket, Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia.

9. A fabric at Ngeni, Waru, Sidoarjo, East Java