A lot of posters stacked at every 'empty place' around our town. They have a lot of kind poster: promotional, music show, cigarette, etc. Every day / weeks a lot of new poster stacked at an 'old posters'. So, I called this "POSTERS WARS".

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

At a fabric - Ngeni, Waru, Sidoarjo

Poster-poster "URBAN MILD" tertempel di dinding sebuah pabrik (kosong?) di daerah Ngeni, Waru, Sidoarjo. Aku selalu takjub dan kagum dengan tulisan yang mereka buat, kontradiksi dengan racun yang ada pada rokok : "Bukan soal pekerjaan-nya, yang penting prestasinya!"

(Some "URBAN MILD" posters stacked at a fabric (may be empty fabric) located at Ngeni - Waru - Sidoarjo City. I always amazed with the slogan which always conflict with the cigarette's poison --> No matter what your job, your quality are most important!" How can we have our quality with those cigarettes?)

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